Thursday, March 19, 2009

Glad you made it !!!!

Hi My name is Matthew Bellward.

I have no doubt you have arrived here from a comment i have left on your article or an article that interested you. Which is fantastic. So welcome.....

Just so you know a little bit about me. I live in Australia in the beautiful Sunshine State. I have done a lot of travelling all round the world and Brisbane is pretty hard to beat. Love the sunshine, the coasts, the beaches and the freedom this city gives you.

I have worked in Hospitality all my life from bartending to owning my own Cafe in the Caribbean for 5 years, just love the people the atmosphere and everything about it. I have enjoyed my career and where it has taken me in life. If you are anything like me though, i have always felt there is a little more to life than you career, family, investments etc etc etc.

Deep down i like helping people, being healthy, and enjoying my life. I LOVE to spend money, and i am very good at it, like i am sure everyone is. If i have it i will throw it around.

So i have been looking for a second business to help me earn some extra money, that will keep me healthy and happy and also help people along the way, and in the end i found it.

I have all their links on the Blog. The company is called Trivani. Wonderful company that helps the poor and sick around the world. Have their own people and foundation where they work on the ground level to help these starving people survive.

Now Trivani sell non harmful products to the world. Anything from health supplements to Shampoo, and they make sure they have no toxins in them. You just order their goods online and they are delivered to your door. Very easy.

NOW...... here is the piece of genius!!!! By purchasing their products you can sponsor a child. no extra, just simply swapping products that you would buy at the supermarket and ordering online you achieve 2 things.

1) help the poor and the starving
2) no longer have toxins in your products

Win Win situation.

Now if you want to take the step further, if you want to make money with Trivani, they have a business plan where by they will compensate you financially to spread the word so that more people in the world have healthy products and more and more children and families around the world are no longer starving.

To me, if there were more companies like this around the world, the world would be a lot more peaceful place.

So it this blog interests you please check the Trivani links beside this blog and check them out. Your decision today even just to order a few things online could drastically improve your health and the health of another human being across the world. If you are wanting extra income look at the business opportunity.

Thank you for reading, please feel free to blog me back, i would love to here from you.

Matt Bellward

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt, Isn't this great! We get to use products good for us and good for the economy and at the same time sponsor children in impoverished areas lifting up the community in the process. My child is Tabu. I have her photo on my key chain and I think of her every day. Keep up the good work. Nancy
